Former Top Chef contestant and Atlanta celebrity Chef Richard Blais resigned from Home Restaurant and Bar on Sunday September 7, 2008. Only a few months after accepting an offer from Here to Serve restaurant group, Chef Blais has decided to part ways.
Atlantans referred to Home as "Chef Blais's new restaurant", but Blais felt much differently. Despite the Atlanta press giving the restaurant and Chef Blais more attention than any other opening of the summer, the Chef never felt like Home was his.
In Chef Blais's personal blog he explains...
"What made my decision very easy were a few uncomfortable meetings, where it was obvious that ownership didn’t value what I brought to the table..."
Earlier this summer I met Chef Richard Blais at Fox 5 Atlanta. He was hot and getting hotter. Chef Blais gained huge popularity in Atlanta after his run on Bravo's Top Chef. After making it to the final three, his celebrity status back home was sealed tighter than duck sous vide. Chef Blais did not win Top Chef, but back in Atlanta there were thousands of foodies salivating for just a taste of one of his creations. Unfortunately, one of those people eagerly waiting was Tom Catherall, concept restaurant king of Atlanta. Catherall contacted Blais and offered him an opportunity to come on board for his new restaurant, "Home." Blais, overwhelmed with his new found fame, jumped on board. It wasn't long before "Home" was not where Chef Blais' heart was.
With the announcement of Chef Blais's resignation from Home also comes the news of Flip, what the chef calls, "a project where I am the creative vision."
Atlanta is the 8th largest city in America, but we are struggling to make a name for ourselves in the culinary world. Home is an example of how concept restaurants and business plans keep us from moving forward, but Chef Blais reassures us, "...I think Atlanta is ready for a restaurant that stretches. I know that if it is going to happen in Atlanta, it’s going to happen soon..."
Hopefully very soon.
For more info: Contact Nani: nanimathews@hotmail.com
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